My Blog List

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sorry I didnt blog yesterday

Sorry i forgot to blog yesterday... I'll just say what i did
I woke up in the morning at 9:15 to get ready for rehearsal, tired. We rehearsed until 11 and went home. I went home, took a shower, and went to Chipotle. I got some tacos and headed for art class. After art, I went home, read, went online, and some guests came over. Michelle's family came over and so did Carl. We ate dinner, played Rockband, and when Carl left, we watched a movie, Dr Who.


  1. The details joy! Tell us the details. i.e. 'I woke up feeling refreshed in the morning at 9:15 sharp and had to get ready for my ninja rehearsal. You see, I'm actually a secret ninja in training to take over the world. My rehearsal lasted until 11. We did x, y and z training sets... etc.etc."
