My Blog List

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23, 2010 Day 8

Today, I woke up earlier than yesterday, 10AM and I changed into my normal clothes and drank a cup of milk for breakfast. I watched some Eureka and read some FML. I didn't really do anything else because there wasn't much to do.
I ate lunch, dumplings, and got my things ready and went to class. For writing, we went over our outlines. For reading, we read, like normal, and for public speaking we presented our outlines to the class. After class we went to my house, everyone but me played rock band and COD when I got some plums and ate them. They were pretty sweet.
I went to tennis class and we went over some things, and played another type of game I forgot what it's called. We went home and ate dinner, noodles. I read some Chicken Soup for the Sister's Soul and played piano since I was bored. I went online for a while to do homework. And that was my day.