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Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21, 2010 Day 6

Today, I woke up pretty late and ate eggs with milk. I went online to chat with my friends and watched some Glee, my favorite TV show. The episode was about some people doing a singing group and named their group "Accefellas" After watching Glee, I ate some yummy fried rice for lunch and went to class.
In class, we learned about writing research papers and how to write them. After writing, Carl read a passage of Abe Lincoln's important accomplishments. The last thing we did in class was public speaking. For public speaking, we read a strong speech from Winston Churchell, which was during a war. While waiting for my mom to pick me up, I read a few pages of Chicken soup for the Sister's soul. The book is about siblings that do amazing things for each others from love and other stuff.
When I got home, I watched more Glee and went to tennis. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't feeling so well so I had to go home and rest, boring stuff. I ate dinner, watched Sonny with a Chance, and listened to music. That is what I have done today... so far

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoy watching Glee! I know I do too! You spelled Sunny wrong in the last paragraph though :)
