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Friday, June 18, 2010


Why do you take notes? You take notes for remembering things and having to pay attention to a presentation more. If you have a question during a presentation, you should ask when: 1. you do not understand something 2. a slide is complete 3. when the presenter asks if you have any questions. If you don't have time to ask, write a word so you can remember it and put a question mark next to it.
How do you take notes? Rephrase! Rephrase to words so you can understand them yourself. Summarize! use italic words, underlined words, punctuation (!?!?!?!....) and shorthand, abbreviating! for example, for the word abbreviate, I would put abrv. for tomorrow, I would put tmrw.
There are 2 ways of taking notes. One is to listen to the main idea first and then quickly write down quick summaries, necessary details, and examples when the presenter is done with one slide. The other way is to write short sentences after something important is said. This would include definitions, which should be WORD FOR WORD, examples and details. If you feel comfortable using one, just use that one! if you feel comfortable using the other one, use the other one! if you like both, use any one you want.
Taking notes is easy if you are not lazy at the moment

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