My Blog List

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24, 2010

Today, I woke up, did the laundry which turns out there was more than expected, ate a cookie along with breakfast. After breakfast, I worked on my essay more since I couldn't finish it last night. Before I knew it, I had to eat lunch, get my stuff, and leave. On the way to class, we picked up Carl. We were late to class again. Apparently, I forgot about a lot of class because I am tired of going to class instead of school where a lot of my friends are.

After class we went home, didn't do much either, I ate some yummy, sweet, yummyyyyyyy plums and went to tennis. In tennis, we played more games, no more skills to learn. For one game, Champions of the sea, Janelle and I were one team, there were 3 teams switching around and we won. After tennis, Jonathan, William and I went to the playground near the tennis courts to play. Most of the time we were there, we were on spinny things.

At about 6:30, we went home and I forgot again what I did because I think it was something boring. At 8, we ate dinner, way too much for me, and I got to work like the essay. When I was writing the essay, my brother gave me the netbook because he got rid of the virus in it (YAY PETER).

'Twas a boring day

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23, 2010 Day 8

Today, I woke up earlier than yesterday, 10AM and I changed into my normal clothes and drank a cup of milk for breakfast. I watched some Eureka and read some FML. I didn't really do anything else because there wasn't much to do.
I ate lunch, dumplings, and got my things ready and went to class. For writing, we went over our outlines. For reading, we read, like normal, and for public speaking we presented our outlines to the class. After class we went to my house, everyone but me played rock band and COD when I got some plums and ate them. They were pretty sweet.
I went to tennis class and we went over some things, and played another type of game I forgot what it's called. We went home and ate dinner, noodles. I read some Chicken Soup for the Sister's Soul and played piano since I was bored. I went online for a while to do homework. And that was my day.

June 22, 2010 day 7

Sorry I didnt post yesterday.
I woke up at 11AM, still as tired as 11PM[simile]. I ate lunch, dumplings, while watching an interesting episode of Eureka. We went to class, which is getting boring by the day, and learned about rhetorical devices, read some stories, and gave another speech, more serious.

After class, a lot of the people from the class went to my house and played rock band. The people going to tennis went to tennis class and learned serving and returning. When class ended, we went to Will's house since no one was home. We ate dinner watched TV like You Wish and Mr. Bean.

At 9:30, Jonathan and I went home and I took a shower and went to sleep.

Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21, 2010 Day 6

Today, I woke up pretty late and ate eggs with milk. I went online to chat with my friends and watched some Glee, my favorite TV show. The episode was about some people doing a singing group and named their group "Accefellas" After watching Glee, I ate some yummy fried rice for lunch and went to class.
In class, we learned about writing research papers and how to write them. After writing, Carl read a passage of Abe Lincoln's important accomplishments. The last thing we did in class was public speaking. For public speaking, we read a strong speech from Winston Churchell, which was during a war. While waiting for my mom to pick me up, I read a few pages of Chicken soup for the Sister's soul. The book is about siblings that do amazing things for each others from love and other stuff.
When I got home, I watched more Glee and went to tennis. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't feeling so well so I had to go home and rest, boring stuff. I ate dinner, watched Sonny with a Chance, and listened to music. That is what I have done today... so far

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sorry I didnt blog yesterday

Sorry i forgot to blog yesterday... I'll just say what i did
I woke up in the morning at 9:15 to get ready for rehearsal, tired. We rehearsed until 11 and went home. I went home, took a shower, and went to Chipotle. I got some tacos and headed for art class. After art, I went home, read, went online, and some guests came over. Michelle's family came over and so did Carl. We ate dinner, played Rockband, and when Carl left, we watched a movie, Dr Who.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Why do you take notes? You take notes for remembering things and having to pay attention to a presentation more. If you have a question during a presentation, you should ask when: 1. you do not understand something 2. a slide is complete 3. when the presenter asks if you have any questions. If you don't have time to ask, write a word so you can remember it and put a question mark next to it.
How do you take notes? Rephrase! Rephrase to words so you can understand them yourself. Summarize! use italic words, underlined words, punctuation (!?!?!?!....) and shorthand, abbreviating! for example, for the word abbreviate, I would put abrv. for tomorrow, I would put tmrw.
There are 2 ways of taking notes. One is to listen to the main idea first and then quickly write down quick summaries, necessary details, and examples when the presenter is done with one slide. The other way is to write short sentences after something important is said. This would include definitions, which should be WORD FOR WORD, examples and details. If you feel comfortable using one, just use that one! if you feel comfortable using the other one, use the other one! if you like both, use any one you want.
Taking notes is easy if you are not lazy at the moment